Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Picture of Dorian Gray Chapter 12

Chapter 12:
What is the setting in this chapter?
The setting is Dorian's House

How old is Dorian?
Dorian is 38.

Discuss Dorian’s fateful meeting with Basil.
Dorian meets with Basil at Dorian’s house and Dorian stabs Basil.

What is the difference between virtue and vice in this chapter?
The Vice in this chapter is when Dorian kills Basil, there is no virtue I know of in this chapter.

Explain the following lines when Basil tells Dorian "you don't want people to talk of you as something vile and degraded...Sin is a thing that writes itself across a man's face. If a wretched man has a vice, it shows itself in the lines of his mouth...the moulding of his hands even" (pg. 181)
He is trying to convince Dorian to live a sin free life because he can’t hide sin.

How is Dorian becoming more like Lord Henry?

Dorian was once considered innocent, but now corrupt due to many influences, what do you think is the worst sin that he has committed so far and why?
The way he treated Sybil Vane was the worst sin.

How is Dorian's soul considered Basil's handiwork/art?
Dorian’s soul is considered Basil handiwork because of Basil only liked Dorian because he only uses it for his art work.

Is Basil an innocent character?
No, because he only used Dorian for his art work.

What is the metaphorical diary of Dorian life in this chapter?
The painting is the metaphorical diary of Dorian’s life.

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