Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Picture of Dorian Gray Chapter 13

Chapter 13:
How is Aesteticism illustrated in this chapter?

What things does Dorian say to blame Basil for his changes?

What is Basil's reaction to Dorian's accusations?
He just denies it and says that he isn't capable of murder.

Explain the quote "Lead us not into temptation," Forgive us our sins. Wash away our iniquities" why is religion brought into this chapter?
Basil is asking for forgiveness because he knows that neither of them are inncocent.

Why did Dorian kill Basil?
He shows him the picture and Basil tells him he must repent and Dorian doesn't like that and it angers him.
How was the knife that he killed Basil with previously forshadowed in another chapter?

Make a prediction on what will happen next.
Dorian will try to dispose of the body.

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