Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Picture of Dorian Gray Chapter 17-18

Chapter 17 and 18
What is the setting in this chapter?
The Conservatory at Selby Royal.

Why does Dorian falls into a swoon?
He becomes nervous because he knows James Vane is looking for him.

What is Lord Henry's view on women?

Why does Dorian call Lord Henry "Prince Paradox?"
Because he does not sugar coat anything and he "prefers the mistakes tomorrow".

Discuss Lord Henry's views of art, love, and religion and whether or not these views make him a skeptic. (He views art as a malady, love as an illusion, and religion as a fashionable substitute for belief.
His views make him a skeptic because he does not belive anything that doesn't have a deffinate view, he belives that there is an answer for everything.

How does Dorian becomes the huntee in these two chapters.
Jame Vane is looking to kill Dorian.
How does James die and what effect does it have on Lord Henry compared to Dorian?

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