Wednesday, September 26, 2007

List 2

Fighting was abhorrent to him.
The countries affluence was good for the economy.
The coaches had to asses our victory.
Brevity is the soul of wit.
His play at quarterback this season is commendable.
The coach had to condemn the offense after giving up 6 turnovers.
Not one person, on the team is culpable.
It took the quarterback all night to decipher the playbook.
The spicy Buffalo wings can only be described as fiery.
Not turning the ball over on offense is fundamental in winning games.
There is no humane way to kill rats and mice.
Listening to calm music is almost hypnotic.
The lackadaisical play of the defense infuriated the coach.
Training camp gives the team a chance to intermingle before the season.
The defense spoke with a malicious tone on the field to get into the heads of the opponents.
On the last play of the game the coach had to manifest his secret play.
We played a merciless game on defense.
Coach’s halftime speech was so poignant that we did not allow another yard in the second half.
The wide receivers in the NFL seem to be a little pretentious in the end zone.
The realm of dreams is incredible.
The National Anthem is a song full of patriotic sentiment.
The evidence in court was tangible.
The seniors are going to have a transcendent year in 2008.
It is vital that we arrive at the hospital soon.
A widower's yearning for his wife.

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